Create a new WindLinx account

Company details

Welcome to the registration wizard. This simple process will get you on to our system quickly and easily. Simply fill out your company details in the form below and click next.

Company name

Please provide your full company name.

Telephone number

Please enter the full number including international and area dialling codes, for example: +12 345 678901.

Fax number (optional)

Please enter the full number including international and area dialling codes, for example: +12 345 678901.

VAT number (optional)

If you are European Union VAT registered, please provide your VAT number in full (eg: GB 123456789)


Please provide the full business address.

Postal / zip code (if applicable)

Please provide the business postal code.


Please choose the business country.

Master administrator account details

Now we need to set up your master administrator account. This is the person who will have full control of your portal account, and who will be in charge of the technology side of your account. Fill out their details in the form below and click next.

Given / first name

Please provide the given or first name of the person who will have overall control of your devices.

Family / last name

Please provide the family or last name of the person who will have overall control of your devices.

Telephone number

Please enter the full number including international and area dialling codes, for example: +12 345 678901.

Fax number (optional)

Please enter the full number including international and area dialling codes, for example: +12 345 678901.

E-mail address

Please provide the e-mail address of the master administrator.

Repeat e-mail address

Please re-type the e-mail address of the master administrator.


When your account has been activated on our system, your administrator and billing user(s) will be e-mailed a link to a page where they can set their log-in passwords. This process is usually completed within one working day, but please allow extra time over public holidays.

Billing user account details

Next, we need to set up your billing user account. This is the person who is in charge of managing your invoices.

Given / first name

Please provide the given or first name of the person who will be in charge of managing payment of your invoices. If this is the same person as your master administrator, please tick the box above.

Family / last name

Please provide the family or last name of the person who will be in charge of managing payment of your invoices. If this is the same person as your master administrator, please tick the box above.

Telephone number

Please enter the full number including international and area dialling codes, for example: +12 345 678901.

Fax number (optional)

Please enter the full number including international and area dialling codes, for example: +12 345 678901.

E-mail address

Please provide the e-mail address of the billing user.

Repeat e-mail address

Please re-type the e-mail address of the billing user.


When your account has been activated on our system, your administrator and billing user(s) will be e-mailed a link to a page where they can set their log-in passwords. This process is usually completed within one working day, but please allow extra time over public holidays.

Miscellaneous settings

Lastly, there are a few assorted things we need to know or that you need to choose before we can submit your account for activation.

Paper format preference

This will determine the format in which your invoices are generated.

Billing currency

This will determine the currency in which you are billed.

Your purchase order number (optional)

If you have a purchase order, please provide it here.

Contract number / reference name (optional)

If you have a contract number, please provide it here.

Device activation notification CC e-mail address

Please provide the e-mail address to which you want to have all device activation notification e-mails copied.

Device renewal notification CC e-mail address

Please provide the e-mail address to which you want to have all device renewal notification e-mails copied.

Company details

Company name:

Company telephone number:

Company facsimile number:

Company VAT number:

Company address:

User accounts

Master administrator


Telephone number

Facsimile number

E-mail address

Billing user


Telephone number

Facsimile number

E-mail address

Miscellaneous settings

Invoice format

Billing currency

Purchase order

Contract number

Activation notification address

Renewal notification address

For added security, please enter the verification code shown in the image below

Please confirm that the above details are correct and then click "Create my account!" below. To go back and correct any mistakes you can click the "Previous" button on the left.